Terracing Thomas

Match day discussion, transfers, and all things Accies

Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby porcupine » Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:58 pm

I seem to remember that the stadium only was able to be completed 22 years ago because a White Knight came along, in name of South Lanarkshire Council. Their decision to lease the South Stand as offices for around £200Kp.a. for 20 years ensured there was a blue-chip income stream from which bank loans could be repaid on time. Were it not for that, the entire project was scuppered. I'm not sure whether the Council were contracted to HAFC Stadium Limited or Hamilton Academical Football Club Ltd. (Whistle-blowers welcomed :) The general feeling was that SLC, based in Hamilton, wanted to ensure that the Accies, as a football club, returned to, and remained in, Hamilton in perpetuity. Could they have overlooked/ignored who actually was the beneficial owner of the stadium itself?

More work for TT, in addition to his latest thread re A shares and B shares!!
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby Beckford » Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:09 pm

Nial, for clarity no one is against charity per say, I will repeat that the issue is that this is the priority.

With regards to the other arguments, a very simple summary to my mind would be as follows.

The current ownership situation in esscence means that accies are back to being homeless, i.e a club without a stadium. Yes we play in Hamilton but its not the clubs stadium

The club spent years away from the town and has never rebuilt the connection, this as stated is a failure on the boards part. Why no connection with the town? Because despite having some great players / teams in recent years, the way the club operated was beyond amature. In this day and age brand image, identity, social media presence etc is everything. We have a really poor reputation for all of the above

Recent history presents dozens of examples of why a club that does not have a home of its own, will always be under threat of extinction. Imagine if you will a situation where your friend needs cash for another venture or to pay debts, will he see the stadium as something he can cash in on, regardless of the consequences for Accies? I believe he would without question (again history proves this) This is why so many of us believe he is unfit to be the custodian. We have been here before

You also keep using the firework night as an example of backing from the community. Do you honestly believe those in attendance where there in support of McGowans great work or because it was a one off public event? How much promotion of accies football club went on that night. Was the club shop open? Promos and an atempt to atract new fans?

I admire your attempt to defend something you believe in, but iv been here over 40 years, and experience tells us we are being taken in a very dangerous direction.
Seaside Leagues
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby TerracingTomas » Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:13 pm

The deal with SLC was brokered by the late great Tom McCabe then leader of SLC and it was well publicised as enabling the club to return to Hamilton as the income from the deal essentially secured the ability to get a mortgage on the stadium. Towards the end the Council was paying 400k rental and assumed a 100,000k rates burden. I’ve calculated before that SLC paid at least £6 million over the 20 years and probably nearer £8 million. A successful businessman like Ronnie would have made sure the mortgage was cleared but he was busy clearing the £3/5 million debt and filling the hole from the missing Bank account money. If anyone deserves a statue it’s Ronnie.
Last edited by TerracingTomas on Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby porcupine » Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:58 pm

Well said, Beckford and TT.

Sadly, it is what it is now, and we must face the fact that Accies will never actually own "their" stadium, but merely be allowed to play within it, as things stand.

Like most, I'm uncomfortable about a lease offer, but providing it is for 50 years, and without any punitive 3 yearly rental increases, AND at an acceptable initial annual cost to the Football Club's financial controllers, then it's the only deal available.

We will never know what sums are injected into HAFC ltd, whether by gate income, season tickets, sponsors or sales of players, to meet this lease commitment. So long as the stadium meets the requisite standards, then it is up to Edencrest to maintain the facility, despite having no apparent trading income, no employees and a Capital Deficit :roll: according to Companies House.

Time, as they say, will Tell.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby smc4761 » Tue Jul 04, 2023 5:16 pm

Niall, your un dying loyalty to McGowan is be be commended in some ways, but I would suggest that you are being very naive and are being blinded by this loyalty

Have you ever stopped to wonder why Raith fans chased him out of town and the vast majority of Accies fans are the same. Why, if he is indeed the messiah (or just a very naughty boy)

To quote beckford above, I am the same having been an Accies supporter since the 70's and seen how many shysters on the boards over the years have shafted the club

I admire your attempt to defend something you believe in, but iv been here over 40 years, and experience tells us we are being taken in a very dangerous direction.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby Beckford » Tue Jul 04, 2023 8:36 pm

Niall, sorry one other point raised that i meant to comment on was that no one expects McGowan to simply hand the stadium over in an act of charity as you put it.

What myself and other fans believe would be the best outcome for all would be for a real attempt made to sell the stadium and club to parties focused on developing Accies football club. If McGowan got out of football, he could buy a facilty / property elsewhere and run as many charities as he likes. Unfortunately for us, it looks like McGowan knows how to manipulate a football club to drive the other projects he is interested in.

As fans, all we want is to know that the people running the club are doing all they can to ensure we have a secure future and that they wont f@%& us over. The majority of realistic fans i know, see Accies as a mid to upper championship club. We all enjoyed the recent highs but never expected it to last. However, we should never be in the situation we find ourselves in with good management of the club (i dont mean john btw, thats covered on another thread) To paraphrase a well known quote form is temporary but class is permenant.

Let us have a board that work for the football club. Once we have that, we can all get back to what fans should be doing on a football forum like this, arguing about our views on the team, the manager and so on
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby porcupine » Tue Jul 04, 2023 8:49 pm

niallfraser8 wrote:.

As for being able to recognize me, I'm the only person on this website that uses his real name, I'm proud of who I am, and I agree roll on next season.


Still trying to identify you for next season!

Are you the Niall Fraser of the undernoted three companies, all of which has, or had, its registered office at "Accies" Stadium?

Niall Fraser Limited (Management consultancy activities other than financial management) which is listed at Companies House, with a Confirmation Statement Overdue and with an Active Proposal to Strike-Off?

Former Commercial Director of Hope CBD Limited? Still operating, but with an increasing Capital Deficit, now £80,943?

Former Operations Manager of Volks-Verein UK Limited (Management consultancy activities other than financial management) Dissolved via Compulsory Strike-Off?

If the above is correct, as Commercial Director of Hope CBD Limited can you clarify how much the company's "substantial" sponsorship of Accies 2018/2019 affected that company's ability to apparently not trade profitably?

However, if all the above refers to a totally different individual, I'm sure you'll be the first to let me know.

It's all available on Public Records, as you've quoted before.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby smc4761 » Tue Jul 04, 2023 10:25 pm

porcupine wrote:
niallfraser8 wrote:.

As for being able to recognize me, I'm the only person on this website that uses his real name, I'm proud of who I am, and I agree roll on next season.


Still trying to identify you for next season!

Are you the Niall Fraser of the undernoted three companies, all of which has, or had, its registered office at "Accies" Stadium?

Niall Fraser Limited (Management consultancy activities other than financial management) which is listed at Companies House, with a Confirmation Statement Overdue and with an Active Proposal to Strike-Off?

Former Commercial Director of Hope CBD Limited? Still operating, but with an increasing Capital Deficit, now £80,943?

Former Operations Manager of Volks-Verein UK Limited (Management consultancy activities other than financial management) Dissolved via Compulsory Strike-Off?

If the above is correct, as Commercial Director of Hope CBD Limited can you clarify how much the company's "substantial" sponsorship of Accies 2018/2019 affected that company's ability to apparently not trade profitably?

However, if all the above refers to a totally different individual, I'm sure you'll be the first to let me know.

It's all available on Public Records, as you've quoted before.

Back of the net
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby PrideOfLanarkshire » Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:32 am

porcupine wrote:
niallfraser8 wrote:.

As for being able to recognize me, I'm the only person on this website that uses his real name, I'm proud of who I am, and I agree roll on next season.


Still trying to identify you for next season!

Are you the Niall Fraser of the undernoted three companies, all of which has, or had, its registered office at "Accies" Stadium?

Niall Fraser Limited (Management consultancy activities other than financial management) which is listed at Companies House, with a Confirmation Statement Overdue and with an Active Proposal to Strike-Off?

Former Commercial Director of Hope CBD Limited? Still operating, but with an increasing Capital Deficit, now £80,943?

Former Operations Manager of Volks-Verein UK Limited (Management consultancy activities other than financial management) Dissolved via Compulsory Strike-Off?

If the above is correct, as Commercial Director of Hope CBD Limited can you clarify how much the company's "substantial" sponsorship of Accies 2018/2019 affected that company's ability to apparently not trade profitably?

However, if all the above refers to a totally different individual, I'm sure you'll be the first to let me know.

It's all available on Public Records, as you've quoted before.

Look forward to the reply to this. Over to you, Niall :D
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby YeOldeHamiltonian » Wed Jul 05, 2023 7:40 pm

McGowan didn't "build the stadium" as Ballast Construction went bankrupt three years after the stadium was built.This fabrication and a few others were nailed by Alistair Duguid replying on McGowan 's Facebook post the week of the Airdrie games.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby Neilhoodwasmyhero » Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:31 pm

1874HAFC wrote:Hi Tom. I for one dont think it's right that you sit up in Dumfries damaging the club I love. People like you are the cancer within this club. A club you claim to have supported all your life. I am told there is another sponsor considering leaving the club as a direct result of your toxic posts. Tom grow up has the rotary pillars taught you nothing:-
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Do the right thing. Hang your head in shame and resign from the rotary!

Haven't been on the site for years then when I do come on I find I'm being mistaken for Terracing Thomas! A fan who is looked on as a "problem" by the Stadium owners. This is perhaps why in the last few weeks, commencing round about the time 1874HAFC joined this board I have:
1) Had a visit at my house (DOWN in Dumfries, you prat) from a journalist from the Scottish Sun asking my comments on an annonymous phone call received at their Glasgow Office saying that I was conducting a vendetta against the club and about a dodgy financial company I worked for in 2010. (I worked for Citizen's Advice in 2010, about as non-dodgy as you get)
2) Received a message from source unknown slagging "McGoofey" obviously looking for me to bite - I didn't. 07464624272 if you want a chat with them.
3 & 4) Have received two unsigned, threatening letters,which I might post at some time, also mentioning my dodgy financial dealings and being a cancer in the club. The last one is threatening to have posters hanging in Dumfries in August outside the hotel where Rotary meet and near the church I attend, denouncing me in some way.
Given I am 71, I can see a story somewhere with the headline "Club persecute life long pensioner supporter"

I haven't decided whether to go to the police or not.
I'd be obliged if Terracing Thomas could maybe confirm for McGowan and his Stooges that he does not live in Dumfries (eitherr up or down)
If 1874HAFC could maybe pass this information on to his deranged leader, I'd be much obliged.
Seaside Leagues
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby porcupine » Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:05 pm

Major Tom

That's NOT good news, however you look at it. Shocking!

Your call on whether to take this further, of course, but looks like there's a story in this for the press. Defamation of character, Libel, Slander etc?

There's a possibility that 1874HAFC and nialfraser8 are one and same person.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby Gav » Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:18 pm

Neilhoodwasmyhero wrote:
1874HAFC wrote:Hi Tom. I for one dont think it's right that you sit up in Dumfries damaging the club I love. People like you are the cancer within this club. A club you claim to have supported all your life. I am told there is another sponsor considering leaving the club as a direct result of your toxic posts. Tom grow up has the rotary pillars taught you nothing:-
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Do the right thing. Hang your head in shame and resign from the rotary!

Haven't been on the site for years then when I do come on I find I'm being mistaken for Terracing Thomas! A fan who is looked on as a "problem" by the Stadium owners. This is perhaps why in the last few weeks, commencing round about the time 1874HAFC joined this board I have:
1) Had a visit at my house (DOWN in Dumfries, you prat) from a journalist from the Scottish Sun asking my comments on an annonymous phone call received at their Glasgow Office saying that I was conducting a vendetta against the club and about a dodgy financial company I worked for in 2010. (I worked for Citizen's Advice in 2010, about as non-dodgy as you get)
2) Received a message from source unknown slagging "McGoofey" obviously looking for me to bite - I didn't. 07464624272 if you want a chat with them.
3 & 4) Have received two unsigned, threatening letters,which I might post at some time, also mentioning my dodgy financial dealings and being a cancer in the club. The last one is threatening to have posters hanging in Dumfries in August outside the hotel where Rotary meet and near the church I attend, denouncing me in some way.
Given I am 71, I can see a story somewhere with the headline "Club persecute life long pensioner supporter"

I haven't decided whether to go to the police or not.
I'd be obliged if Terracing Thomas could maybe confirm for McGowan and his Stooges that he does not live in Dumfries (eitherr up or down)
If 1874HAFC could maybe pass this information on to his deranged leader, I'd be much obliged.

You should absolutely go to the police. That sort of behaviour is unacceptable and will continue unless nipped in the bud asap.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby Stevie Clarke » Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:36 pm

I did say earlier in the thread that I was fairly sure TT wasn't TM from Dumfries as I'd seen the latter at home games and TT has been very clear that he is boycotting them. Why didn't TT make it clear that this new account 1874HAFC had the wrong man? Shocking what they've done to TM, real brains at work here. Is it the same dunderheid that cost the club almost a million?
Stevie Clarke
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby Gav » Thu Jul 13, 2023 10:02 pm

And WAH facebook page shows this is not the first time they have done this.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby TerracingTomas » Thu Jul 13, 2023 10:17 pm

Why didn't TT make it clear that this new account 1874HAFC had the wrong man?

Probably because I didn’t think it necessary Stevie. But it just goes to show the character of some of these individuals. And last I looked I don’t live in Dumfries.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby Beckford » Thu Jul 13, 2023 10:37 pm

This latest news is an absoloute disgrace. Sad thing is it is not a suprise. Best thing to do would surely be report it and show people what we are really dealing with here. Hope the matter is resolved quickly for you. So sad this is what our fans are having to deal with.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby TerracingTomas » Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:18 am

When the final farewells must be spoken
I'll join the Legion, that's what I'll do
And in some far distant region
Where human hearts are staunch and true
I shall start my life anew
… Good-bye, it's time
I sought a foreign clime

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby PrideOfLanarkshire » Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:22 am

Neilhoodwasmyhero wrote:
1874HAFC wrote:Hi Tom. I for one dont think it's right that you sit up in Dumfries damaging the club I love. People like you are the cancer within this club. A club you claim to have supported all your life. I am told there is another sponsor considering leaving the club as a direct result of your toxic posts. Tom grow up has the rotary pillars taught you nothing:-
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Do the right thing. Hang your head in shame and resign from the rotary!

Haven't been on the site for years then when I do come on I find I'm being mistaken for Terracing Thomas! A fan who is looked on as a "problem" by the Stadium owners. This is perhaps why in the last few weeks, commencing round about the time 1874HAFC joined this board I have:
1) Had a visit at my house (DOWN in Dumfries, you prat) from a journalist from the Scottish Sun asking my comments on an annonymous phone call received at their Glasgow Office saying that I was conducting a vendetta against the club and about a dodgy financial company I worked for in 2010. (I worked for Citizen's Advice in 2010, about as non-dodgy as you get)
2) Received a message from source unknown slagging "McGoofey" obviously looking for me to bite - I didn't. 07464624272 if you want a chat with them.
3 & 4) Have received two unsigned, threatening letters,which I might post at some time, also mentioning my dodgy financial dealings and being a cancer in the club. The last one is threatening to have posters hanging in Dumfries in August outside the hotel where Rotary meet and near the church I attend, denouncing me in some way.
Given I am 71, I can see a story somewhere with the headline "Club persecute life long pensioner supporter"

I haven't decided whether to go to the police or not.
I'd be obliged if Terracing Thomas could maybe confirm for McGowan and his Stooges that he does not live in Dumfries (eitherr up or down)
If 1874HAFC could maybe pass this information on to his deranged leader, I'd be much obliged.

Wow. Definitely go to the police.

I've heard there is a solid case being built against the person who is harassing supporters.
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Re: Terracing Thomas

Postby Beckford » Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:31 am

Surely questions have to be asked about where this individual obtained the fans contact information and shared with the gutter press. If it came from within the club there has been some serious breach of confidentiality.

Accies claims to be a community club taking another hit with this shameful smear on the clubs reputation. Wonder why such stories only appear in certain rags as well.
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