
Match day discussion, transfers, and all things Accies


Postby FergiesBawls » Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:19 am

I wanted to post a question asking for details of how much these companies pay in sponsorship but there was no facility for posting a comment. I welcome the fact that Mr McGowan's close personal friends sponsor the club, but maybe we could adopt a less personal and more professional approach to widen the search for investment.

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Re: Sponsors

Postby TerracingTomas » Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:33 pm

Contemporary Russian propaganda is continuous and very responsive to events. Due to their lack of commitment to objective reality, Russian propagandists do not need to wait to check facts or verify claims; they just disseminate an interpretation of emergent events that appears to best favor their themes and objectives

My personal decision not to renew my season ticket at the beginning of the season for non football reasons has been reenforced by ongoing events. A club without fans is simply a property development company that leeches of a once proud football club.

Never have truer words been uttered than those uttered in a New York Times interview that told us our owner had no interest in football only the business of football. It shows doesn’t it?
Any future sponsors should contact liningourownpockets@mcgoofeystadium.com
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Re: Sponsors

Postby YeOldeHamiltonian » Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:08 pm

This latest video by Mr McGoofey coincidentally comes two days after Saturday's fudged attempt at reconciliation with the banned fans who still remain banned as far as I am aware.

Plenty publicity for the Director who cannot be named as expected and gushing praise for Sked Construction- a firm who should never have darkened our stadium doors again after The Owner tried to engage Accies fans in Queensbury Rules at home against Rangers whilst clad as a full on Rangers supporting Christmas tree.

The fact remains that Sponsorship/Advertising is only badly needed due to the way they have chased a large proportion of fans away from the club.

If the first team and "football department" were being conducted in an efficient manner,advertising revenue would top up other revenue and would enable the team to succeed.Instead It is a sticking plaster to replace the revenue lost by a disgruntled fanbase.
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Re: Sponsors

Postby YeOldeHamiltonian » Fri Jan 20, 2023 7:57 pm

There was a Meeting last night and the upshot is the bans are still in place.

Quite why the banned fans should issue a Public Apology for something they have not done baffles me and they should stick to their guns.

There is only one sticking point to a resolution to this farce and we all know who that is.

Bay Horse and/or Sainsbury's End for yours truly and plenty others including big Peterborough who will probably be wearing shorts and a thin jacket again .
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Re: Sponsors

Postby Euan » Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:17 pm

I used to regularly sponsor a player’s jersey and had discussed other options, through my business, but gave up the more McGowan and cronies got involved, as everything seemed a bit dodgy and I wasn’t convinced it was going towards anything Accies!
Like TT I don’t even have a season ticket now and haven’t been to a home game since pre-Covid.
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Re: Sponsors

Postby TerracingTomas » Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:18 pm

When Foys were triumphantly announced as stadium sponsors we were told that they were part of that huge conglomerate WSA Holdings (No I never heard of them either). Anyway they were renamed WSA Wellness Ltd who I see have just been compulsory wound up by court order. (11 January). As Foys are overdue their accounts only a matter of time before they goes the same way. Which explains why they disappeared as sponsors never to be mentioned again. A six figure sponsorship deal my arse. Just as well we rely on the sponsors and not the fans!!!
Any future sponsors should contact liningourownpockets@mcgoofeystadium.com
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Re: Sponsors

Postby porcupine » Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:10 pm

Just as well we rely on the sponsors and not the fans!!!

Not sure you have that the correct way round, TT, or is there a hidden message in there somewhere?

Agree with you that the trumpeted arrival of 'Sponsors', and their subsequent visible injection of cash and/or tangible additional fixed assets, all seem to be part of someone's delusional mind.
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Re: Sponsors

Postby smc4761 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:39 pm

Good to see that our wonderful Mr McGowan deals with some lovely people to sponsor the club. More like Mr Magoo

https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scot ... e-29076547
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Re: Sponsors

Postby TerracingTomas » Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:46 pm

I think this story still has some way to run smc. Mr Morrisey is of course languishing in a Spanish jail awaiting trial on money laundering charges. While the rest of the Kinahan organised crime group are hiding out in Dubai but will probably get hoovered up by the American/Irish authorities. Morrisey of course wasn’t the only individual doing business with the stadium company. Remember the boxing match that was held at the stadium in 2021 that was staged by the Kynoch Boxing Agency. This is is what the Record had to say about Sam Kynoch.

https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scot ... d-26903059

Makes you wonder.
Any future sponsors should contact liningourownpockets@mcgoofeystadium.com
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Re: Sponsors

Postby porcupine » Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:37 pm

Oh, for an experienced investigative journalist to be looking for a good story!
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