Accies takeover bid

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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby Red and white hoops » Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:42 pm ... drugs/amp/

Apologies for linking a story from a few years ago in the sun. Usually I wouldn’t wipe my arse with that rag. But some interesting quotes from the man himself here. How can this guy possibly be involved at such a high level at a football club. He shows how little he cares for the football club over and over again in this article.

I don’t know how we do it, but us fans need to get this cretin as far away as possible from our club.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby porcupine » Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:34 pm

TerracingTomas wrote:Well a man of his word Ronnie for what it’s worth. With effect from the 28th of October as per the records at Companies House, he has terminated his appointment as a director of Edencrest the ultimate holding company of the football club and stadium. His family members however remain the holders of what was originally his shareholding so McGoofey hasn’t got his hands on that (Yet).

Well spotted, TT!

Companies House Edencrest Ltd records show C McG with a shareholding between 25% &50%. There are only now three officials. The Company Secretary (who presumably holds no shares), and Directors C McG, & Les Gray. Nothing shows on the last accounts as to who holds the shares, only that there are only TWO shares paid up. This may mean that McG owns ONE and A.N. OTHER owns the other ONE.

Edencrest is techinically insolvent according to the accounts with a large capital deficit, all probably engineered for tax purposes. Share Capital could be £2 or £2,000,000, probably £100 so that the shareholders minimise their liability in event of having to 'pay-up' their shares on the failure of the company at some stage.

Think we've been over this before,TT. With the snake of Accies companies, it's all smoke and mirrors as far as finding any meaningful information.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby TerracingTomas » Tue Nov 02, 2021 5:12 pm

Porcupine. All the details re shares are there at Companies House. Up until 2017 there were 20 ordinary shares split equally between 4 individuals. Mcgowan, Les, Ronnies’s family and Walter Hamilton. Remember Walter, owner, stadium manager and former parliamentary candidate for the British National Party :oops: When Walter disappeared of the scene circa 2017, they restructured the share holding and created 200 shares nominal value £2.00, split 75 Mcgowan, 75 Ronnies’ family and 50 in the name of a one Les’s companies. Then in 2018 they rearranged the shares so now the split is 90,90 and 20. I’ve always assumed that between them Ronnie and Les could out vote Mcgowan. Clearly not or if they could they are perfectly happy losing £680,000 and being associated with dodgy sponsors/ advertisers like Nevis Home Improvements, Scotia Aide Sierra Leone and Soldiers off the Strreets.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby porcupine » Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:38 am

Found the 90/90/20 form, TT. Didn’t scroll down enough! Head hung low :oops:

As it stands it still implies that McG can be outvoted, unless some or all of either McDonald 90 shares or Clan’s 20 shares are sold/ gifted to McG, when then there’s a real issue as to the future.

Maybe Ronnie and Les are just pissed off with the whole journey over the last 20 years and want out for a quieter life.

Chrystal ball stuff at this stage?
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby TerracingTomas » Wed Nov 03, 2021 1:01 am

Maybe Ronnie and Les are just pissed off with the whole journey over the last 20 years and want out for a quieter life.

Chrystal ball stuff at this stage?

I really don’t understand Ronnies’ thinking/ motivation. He certainly doesn’t need to keep the stadium for financial reasons and just offload the club. He is a millionaire and currently Cullen Packaging are turning over 20 million a year with an after tax profit of nearly £2 million. It smacks of rich man’s plaything that he is tired off. But I don’t buy that either. As for Les it’s not in his interests to sell the club as he would lose his seat on the SPFL Board. One thing for sure there is no chance they will communicate their thinking to the fans.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby porcupine » Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:41 pm

TerracingTomas wrote:
Maybe Ronnie and Les are just pissed off with the whole journey over the last 20 years and want out for a quieter life.

Chrystal ball stuff at this stage?

I really don’t understand Ronnies’ thinking/ motivation. He certainly doesn’t need to keep the stadium for financial reasons and just offload the club. He is a millionaire and currently Cullen Packaging are turning over 20 million a year with an after tax profit of nearly £2 million. It smacks of rich man’s plaything that he is tired off. But I don’t buy that either. As for Les it’s not in his interests to sell the club as he would lose his seat on the SPFL Board. One thing for sure there is no chance they will communicate their thinking to the fans.

Could it be an international 'floater' for anyone interested to pick-up a UK football club for a VERY modest investment? We've seen this in England with many oligarths awash with their gazillions, apart from the Mike Ashley's of this world.

A Five Year Plan with serious investment, Champions League stuff etc. etc?

Ooops, I just woke up :lol: :lol: :roll:
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby Montrose Week 2 » Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:30 pm

Anyone who saw Ronnie leaving Thistle game will not be surprised at this, He has had enough of the support that remains and the public apathy in Hamilton.
The way they are allowed to communicate through the media will also not attract any serious new bidder, leaving door open for McGowan to have his fun.
Fans Group need to unite and quickly.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby Stevie Clarke » Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:14 pm

Montrose Week 2 wrote:Anyone who saw Ronnie leaving Thistle game will not be surprised at this, He has had enough of the support that remains and the public apathy in Hamilton.
The way they are allowed to communicate through the media will also not attract any serious new bidder, leaving door open for McGowan to have his fun.
Fans Group need to unite and quickly.

I said this earlier in the thread. We need to get organised. Other clubs can do it, why not us?
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby Top Cross » Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:18 pm

Stevie Clarke wrote:We need to get organised.

Any views on how we best organise ourselves?

I don't know much about the recently formed Accies Supporters Association. Would uniting under that banner work? I fear that they are not interested in protest and the inevitable confrontation.

A new protest group to raise awareness and hopefully attract a white knight?

A new trust with the aim to raise funds and buy a shareholding and secure a place on the board? There is precedent here with Raith Rovers vs McGowan.

Something different?
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby Gav » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:23 pm

Top Cross wrote:
Stevie Clarke wrote:We need to get organised.

Any views on how we best organise ourselves?

I don't know much about the recently formed Accies Supporters Association. Would uniting under that banner work? I fear that they are not interested in protest and the inevitable confrontation.

A new protest group to raise awareness and hopefully attract a white knight?

A new trust with the aim to raise funds and buy a shareholding and secure a place on the board? There is precedent here with Raith Rovers vs McGowan.

Something different?

Hopefully there will be some info out in next day or so from ASA and SLO that might help.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby Stevie Clarke » Fri Nov 05, 2021 11:06 am

Top Cross - I would suggest a Supporters Trust. I won't be involved though, I was involved in the last one and the apathy from the Accies support put me off ever getting involved in anything similar.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby TerracingTomas » Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:51 pm

Mcgoofey spouting off in a statement to the fans on the official site. To here him speak you would think he had cleared the Debt and not Ronnie. In his own mind it’s all down to him. The bottom line is the buyer of a club without the stadium will have no entitlement to revenues generated by the stadium. THE FOOTBALL CLUB IS BEING ASSET STRIPPED OF ITS STADIUM BY 3 BUSINESSMEN, A STADIUM PAID FOR BY THE RESIDENTS OF SOUTH LANARKSHIRE.


How much money has Mcgoofey taken out of the business in his role as owner/ chief executive. 6 figures a year is my guess. No wonder he doesn’t want to lose the stadium.

Are there any decent journalists out there who want to look under the stones or do they just print any old nonsense.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby TerracingTomas » Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:31 pm

I once sat in a cinema in the States. Before the movie they played a recruiting video for the National Guard. Pure Hollywood production with flags flying, trumpets blaring and guns firing. A bit cringeworthy. When it finished I was expecting thunderous applause instead there a brief silence and then a lone voice shouted out ‘Pure propaganda’. No mugs an American audience. That’s exactly what the CEO’s latest diatribe amounts to.

Take this comment “My role in ensuring financial stability has not changed”

Err did you notice the nearly £800,00 missing from the bank account Mr CEO. A bank account that allowed virtually any amount to be transferred on the authorisation of one signature. In any business that I’m aware of the CEO would have paid the price and been sacked. Just as well Ronnies’ 200k and the Greg Docherty transfer firesale bailed you out.

But to be fair “This season we have managed to raise somewhere in the region of £50,000 from the various events which have taken place.”

Err did you notice the empty North Stand and the loss of £400,000 rental p.a. Plus £100,000 additional rates burden.
Err did you notice the club has been relegated and is losing a 7 figure sum in SPFL prize money and gate revenue. Oh and now has a £1.2 million Covid debt.

Then there is this comment “The club has an absolutely incredible network of sponsors, many of which have become close friends of mine,”

That will be sponsors like Nevis Home Improvement, a former stadium sponsors. They were taken to court by the Information Commissioner for a serious breach of the Data protection act misusing personal information in a cold calling operation. Fined £50,000 they declared bankruptcy when the authorities tried to collect.
Then there was Scotia Aide Sierra Leone. They sponsored the away shirt one season and splashed out on a roof advert across the gazebo. An employee whistleblew to the Charity Regulator . The 3 directors were operating a charity rates rebate scam throughout the uk and spending the money on luxury holidays and cars for themselves. 2 directors were banned for life from ever being a charity director. The third resigned before he could be banned.
Then there’s the charity Soldiers off the Streets for many seasons stadium trackside advertisers. The links to the extreme right wing British National Party are well documented. To quote Nic Griffin leader of the BNP at the time “we are involved in other veteran organisations such as ... Soldiers off the Streets. It definitely doesn't hurt the party to be connected to these groups." And of course for a while it’s Scottish branch listed NDP as its address. Anything to do with Walter Hamilton’s involvement. ... on-accies/

Meanwhile and I quote “This work is well supported, and I have been contacted by numerous politicians as they praise the work which we are trying to do here.”
Do those numerous politicians include George Galloway? And are all politicians not liars?

And finally “I look forward to seeing you at Saturday’s match.”

Err has it escaped your notice CEO that despite all the wonderful success the fan base has almost collapsed. Arbroath with a population of town and district half that of Hamilton can boast a home support of 1400 and nearly 1000 season ticket holders. A club that truly is at one with its community and embraces the fans.

As I said at the beginning. Pure propaganda.
Last edited by TerracingTomas on Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby glasgow accie » Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:36 pm

Good post ,TT ….the man is a snake oil salesman….
When Saturday comes...WE ARE HAMILTON........136
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby Stevie Clarke » Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:50 pm

What's the £680,000 you refer to, TT? Is it the scam money, because STV reported it as £989,000?
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby TerracingTomas » Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:38 pm

Stevie the last parcel of money never got to china or wherever it was going. It was still in electronic no man’s land so the bank got it back into the clubs account. I’ve rechecked the various press stories and with the money returned I’ve found one where the club is quoted as saying the final amount lost was nearer £800,000. So I’ve edited my post. Thanks. And I thought I was doing well spelling covid correctly. :D :D :D
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby TerracingTomas » Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:40 pm

Worth a watch is this documentary on BBC1, available on iPlayer, called Robbie Savage: Making Macclesfield Fc. Features Savage obviously but it’s actually more about a local businessman who having made his millions has decided to put something back into the community. Sound familiar. Macclesfield as many will know went bust and after the administrators had finished they put what was left up for sale , I.e. the stadium, on Right Move for half a million. Our businessman buys it and sets about re establishing the club. To date he has spent £4 million on the ground. Artificial pitch etc. He has turned the entire main stand into a sports club with gym, bar, restaurant etc available 7 days a week to the whole community. As he says the club has to make a profit to survive and the stadium provides an income stream for it to do that. Contrast that with our owners who are severing that vital income stream from the football club in an act of asset stripping vandalism. If the so called directors of the football club have any decency they will resign. “What give up my suit and club tie and boardroom hospitality No way.”
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby Montrose Week 2 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:06 pm

That is some post Terracing Tomas, you could contact Panorama Scotland & View from the terrace with that, they would lap that up, might need some legal support behind it, that is the type of support a supporters association or trust would need.
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby Stevie Clarke » Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:44 pm

I should have also said, excellent post, TT!
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Re: Accies takeover bid

Postby smc4761 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:41 pm

Have to agree, an excellent post TT

Chris Mclaughlin at BBC is an excellent investigative journalist. he did a lot of good work investigating Sevco takeover
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