Forum Admin

Match day discussion, transfers, and all things Accies

Forum Admin

Postby Admin » Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:23 pm

Hey folks,

I've renewed the hosting and domain for the forum for another year, and I'm happy to continue to do so. I'm located over in Canada, so life without an Accies forum would mean struggling to get any club news - now more so than in any recent time due to the relegation.

That said, work at my job has been a bit hectic this past year and shows no signs of slowing anytime soon. I just don't have enough free time to properly keep an eye on things here, approve newly registered users in a timely manner, or do much else. The forum has likely suffered as a result of this, with potential new posters disappearing after waiting a week to have their account registration approved.

Would anyone be interested in picking up moderator or administrator privileges? It would be great if someone could take over and maybe take a more active role in the running of the forum.

- Ryan
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Re: Forum Admin

Postby Big Wurzil » Sat Jun 12, 2021 7:20 pm

Hi Ryan,

Would you care to detail what the requirement would be for someone to undertake this responsibility?
Big Wurzil
Posts: 495
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Re: Forum Admin

Postby Admin » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:55 pm

No real requirement, just the ability to use good judgement and be active on here!

I only put this forum up because the old Accies World forums was lost, and Gilbert wasn't able to put up a new one at the time. I am not terribly good at this sort of thing, so I have just gone for the hands-off approach - only really stepping in when I would receive complaints about problematic posters (Swift Frank and such).

If someone could do some of the following, it would be plenty:
- Post match threads
- Approve new posters as accounts are registered
- Occasionally moderate the forum as they deem necessary

Anything beyond that is up to them. If someone is tech savvy and knows forum software well, then they could go nuts! The hosting package has most of the bells and whistles - mysql, php, etc.

If no one wants to take on the work, no worries though. I'll just keep it running as things are. I just wonder if the forum would maybe be busier with someone else taking a more active role in running it?
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