Taxi for Rankin!

Match day discussion, transfers, and all things Accies

Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby Red and white hoops » Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:06 pm

Forget the taxi, I’ll put him on my back and carry him away.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby monkeybones » Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:46 pm

Got us relegated and his team under perform in league 1 with a good squad. Get rid of him now as we need to build now ahead of play offs and there is time to do it
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby Theaccie1 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:16 am

Unfortunately its only going to get worse before it gets better.

The club wont make the decision and neither will the manager, the fan support/belief is only going to dwindle further which is just a huge risk leading up to the playoffs.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby AccieDownUnder » Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:52 am

This is in no way to take the responsibility away from Rankin but surely the players have to become accountable as well. After a defeat to second bottom who are part time at home it is evident we have have some guys who think they are better than they are. Zero pride or desire to go and win a football game at all costs.

Looking at both squads of ours and F*lkirk’s, I’m struggling to see who from ours actually plays for the leaders. Martin and Fulton if fit and Tumilty? Rankin has assembled a completely bang average inflated squad of players. Regardless of where we are next season there’s not too many I would keep and I think it’s incredibly important to cut the squad down focusing on quality over quantity.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby Beckford » Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:46 pm

I would argue that Tumilty would be one of the players who seem to think they are too good for this level and who's body language often suggest are either very frustrated or just can't be arsed. Either way, he has seriously underpeformed and should be leading along with McGowan who are two of our more experienced players.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby manxaccie » Sun Feb 11, 2024 6:28 pm

Yeah, time for a change now. I thought we were right in the summer to give Rankin the chance of taking us up but it’s since gone badly wrong. Falkirk are simply a far better team than accies and will stroll to the league now.

We have got good players but they have their limitations, which is why they are with accies. Could a different manager galvanise what’s there and get us up through play offs? Yes, I think they could - certainly against a Dunfermline or Arbroath etc, why not?

Smith is a good shot stopper but not sure he inspires confidence in commanding his area etc. still young and will get better. Tumilty can be an effective attacking full back and not sure we get the best out of him. I like longridge and think he’s pretty solid. McGowan isn’t good enough. We’re pretty top heavy with midfielders - all of whom are tidy and neat players but not going to play that killer ball or get beyond the strikers. Ohara works hard and will score goals against the weaker teams, not good enough for championship level. Not sure why Henderson didn’t start yesterday as he offers a bit of creativity.

When playing at home against teams sitting In, could we not play a Henderson, Barjonas or even a 2nd striker a bit further forward and just off Ohara or rose and replace one of the sitting midfielders? Not sure the formation/system works at home where we have a lot of the ball but not enough movement or players able to make a difference.

I don’t think it’s fair to question the effort of players, It’s not easy breaking through a well drilled team and I just don’t think they are quite good enough to do so. It does appear to be the right time for a change of ideas at management level. What have we got to lose?
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby porcupine » Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:00 pm

manxaccie wrote:Yeah, time for a change now. I thought we were right in the summer to give Rankin the chance of taking us up but it’s since gone badly wrong. Falkirk are simply a far better team than accies and will stroll to the league now.

It does appear to be the right time for a change of ideas at management level. What have we got to lose?

Only the play-offs, Manx Accie, as we should surely at least make those with the points already accumulated. Whether that is the Second v Third game, or against the Winner of the Fourth v Second Bottom Championship team, it's anyone's guess!

As to Tumility, in the last few games we seem reluctant to make passes out to him on the wing. Is this a tactical management decision, or do the players not trust him? I think he could give us far more than we are seeing, providing he is provided with more than he got yesterday.

We are just too predictable now, and all others managers have sussed us out that we are playing a very rigid game plan. I'd start the game after next with Rose and O'Hara up front. I expect Falkirk to take us apart next week, however. Our best chance of promotion will be next season in League 1.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby manxaccie » Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:32 pm

Yup, you can almost guarantee that he will go for same old 4-3-3. Maybe with a slight change of personnel, but Falkirk will know exactly what to expect.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby smc4761 » Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:08 pm

This from the Only Accies Twitter a few hours ago

| Seref Zengin has backed John Rankin ahead of our game this weekend, stating that changing the manager is the last thing on his mind.

He has also called for the fans to “rally round” the manager for the remainder of the season.

Is this the dreaded vote of confidence, or just wishful thinking
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby AccieDownUnder » Wed Feb 14, 2024 7:19 pm

Seref has admittedly p!ssed me off with his latest piece in the press. It’s all the fans and players fault we are where we are. The players that aren’t performing are in majority those that Strain and Rankin have recruited. Actually our better performers have been part of the squad they inherited (O’Hara aside). The recruitment has been shambolic with a very low hit rate. Most can be filed under the bang average category with a few successes and a few failures.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby Stevie Clarke » Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:50 pm

Serif is wrong, the players weren't booed. There was no booing in the first half. Rankin was booed before start of second half when it was announced that Hastie had been subbed. I was one of the ones booing! Dissent really started at 0-2 and then in the run up to the final whistle. Do they not expect angry fans to vent when they lose at home to bloody Annan?!?
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby Beckford » Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:38 pm

Stevie Clarke wrote:Serif is wrong, the players weren't booed. There was no booing in the first half. Rankin was booed before start of second half when it was announced that Hastie had been subbed. I was one of the ones booing! Dissent really started at 0-2 and then in the run up to the final whistle. Do they not expect angry fans to vent when they lose at home to bloody Annan?!?

The booing that came after Hastie was subbed was conveniently ignored by Serif. It was a scandalous decision by Rankin as Hastie was clearly the most effective player we had in the first half.

This type of crazy sub is exactly why so many have lost faith in Rankin as there is at least one in every game. Place your bets as to what mental sub he will make tomorrow! The standard throw three players on in a panic when we are chasing the game must be a decent bet
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby Beckford » Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:41 pm

If he has any pride and self respect after today, he wouldnt need a taxi as he would have walked away tonight. Pointless changes of formation mid game again. Why does he keep bringing winters on, he offers no threat of a goal. If Rose was subbed due to a strain fair enough, if not I'd love to hear his reasoning
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby AccieDownUnder » Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:43 am

Absolutely bodied yesterday. That first 30 mins showed the gulf between the two sides on and off the park.I thought the second Rose goal might have gave us a boost but we spent the majority of the second half doing absolutely FA. O’Hara chance aside I can’t think of another save? Falkirk had two great opportunities to put the game to bed. Only thing I enjoyed is we did show a bit of a dirty side. At home I felt we were bullied a bit but today showed we could battle a bit better. Best for me were Rose and Macca. Worst was the full back line. Kilday looked as if he’d been out for a season and MacGowan was, er, just MacGowan. Davidson looked really poor in possession yesterday compared to last week where I thought he showed up well. Maybe it’ll take time to settle in but the first half completely passed him by.

As you say, Rankin surely has to walk. His tactical plan after 30 mins was to try and play on second balls and launch it. Once Falkirk got back into the game in the second half we didn’t really look like threatening. We should have really put them under more pressure given I feel their keeper is their weakest link.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby smc4761 » Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:54 am

I am in th Rankin must go camp, but dont hold your breathe, he will not walk, nor will he be sacked any time soon

Expect more sound bites, team working hard, we will fight for every point, blah blah blah. The same shite he has been saying for over year and its making no difference
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby Stevie Clarke » Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:36 pm

I think Rankin will be sacked soon, probably next week if we lose to Alloa. I remember fans saying Billy Reid and Martin Canning were safe as houses just before they left. Five hundred or fewer Accies fans turning up on Saturday might focus some minds.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby smc4761 » Sun Feb 18, 2024 5:06 pm

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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby YeOldeHamiltonian » Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:19 am

12 points out of the last 27 and keep this up and we will drop further.

As WAH Facebook posted,we were top on December 2nd after beating QOS 5-0…what a fall and a 15 point turnaround which is a sacking offence at any “normal” club.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby AccieDownUnder » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:28 am

Let’s not give Rankin too much credit with the start of the season. We were only top because Falkirk had a game postponed. They then beat us a week or two later. We’ve basically went the full season chasing their tail and are now 14 (FOURTEEN) points behind and we’re only in February. Shambles.

I know they’ve got a better 11 than us but if we swapped the managers this would be a lot tighter title race, imo.

Doing the maths it looks like we could have a title party at NDP unless the arse collapses from our arses even further. It really annoys me in the meeting in December we flaunted Morrison leaving Falkirk in January, Falkirk to implode again then making bids for their players to try and put them off. Looking back it already reeked that we had no confidence doing it on our own and required some sort of crisis in Grangemouth. We’re absolutely tinpot off the park with guys at the top end who don’t know how to run a professional football club.

Absolutely scunnered with all things Accies.
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Re: Taxi for Rankin!

Postby AccieDownUnder » Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:47 pm

More of a dig at our board but I see Morrison has signed a new deal at Falkirk. What a tinpot circus we have at the top. From telling fans in a meeting in December that he was off in January, to bidding for him ourselves in January, to him now re-signing for Falkirk. You wonder how much bullshit it was on our part just trying to stir the pot. Ran like a pub team man, I could greet. It’s worked out magnificently anyway, gents. Well done. :oops:
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