Taylor Away?

Match day discussion, transfers, and all things Accies

Re: Taylor Away?

Postby smc4761 » Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:52 am

Dr Slippy, take a look at TT post above and that I would imagine sums up the feeling on many fans or ex fans of the club, it certainly is my feelings towards the current situation. McGowan has previous for this as well at Raith, where he ran the club into the ground and had them in 3rd tier

You say " I would rather have an Accies under the stewardship of CM than no Accies at all, ". The problem with that without being too dramatic is that if McGowan continues there will be no Accies, he is bleeding the club dry lining his own pockets

Fans are a fickle lot and Accies fans are no different. Many are unhappy the way the club is being run, which is reflected in fan numbers. We had a long period in top flight, yet our fan base has diminished. We are the worst supported team in the division, by a long way.

We should have made some money during our time in top flight, even allowing for the scam, we are skint.

Unless there is a lottery winner out there with loads of cash and is daft enough to plough money into a team on a downward trajectory, we are fooked. And its back to the wilderness years of 90's :oops:
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Re: Taylor Away?

Postby TerracingTomas » Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:49 pm

And just to reenforce the point about about the reliability of Mcgoofeys’ stadium tenants/sponsor. Foys are now subject to the threat of being struck of by Companies House for failing to submit their accounts. The same thing happened last year but the threat was enough to produce accounts. Will they survive or will they get the finger out and suddenly produce fag packet accounts?

https://find-and-update.company-informa ... ng-history
Any future sponsors should contact liningourownpockets@mcgoofeystadium.com
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Re: Taylor Away?

Postby Dr Slippy » Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:04 pm

I have no argument about the reliability of sponsors who have often been start ups or others with questionable directors, and I am certainly no defender of CM.
The reality of the situation is whether people like it or not he is going to be here until either someone offers him what he deems is an acceptable amount for his interests or in the worst case scenario everything goes belly up.
What I will say is that he has been around for a long time & I’m not aware of us being unable to pay the wages unlike under the previous incumbents.
I’m not sure I agree with the comments that we should have made a lot of money while we were in the top division. As far as I can see every SPFL club with the possible exception of Celtic in recent years lives a hand to mouth existence & I can think of no reason why Accies should have been the exception & accumulated large amounts of cash.
I have also never seen any evidence that people are lining their own pockets off the back of Accies.
My single biggest concern is the scam where we lost the best part of £1M , and nobody was ever held to account as far as I’m aware.
As far as I’m concerned people have to decide if like me they are prepared to continue to support the football team, or they walk away. However if they do decide to walk away I wish they would stop berating those of us that continue to support the team and somehow suggesting we are advocates of CM
Dr Slippy
Seaside Leagues
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Re: Taylor Away?

Postby Begs.hafc » Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:28 pm

Very well said, Dr Slippy!
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Re: Taylor Away?

Postby YeOldeHamiltonian » Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:12 pm

Thing is there were people over the years and recently who wanted to take control of the club,but the insistence of keeping The Stadium Company separate from The Football Club kyboshed any deals.

That is why John Viola and his Dubai Consortium pulled the plug as they were told they could own the football club but not the stadium.

This illustrates that it will be difficult removing the Phoenix Nights set up we currently have unless he receives an offer he can't refuse.

However,I will continue to support the team- like plenty others-despite McGowan.Staying away only effects the football budget and leads to less income and less support which a struggling side full of kids desperately needs.

You can separate the two and those boycotting are only depriving themselves of watching THEIR team: not McGowan,McDonald,Maitland,Gray etc.

If boycotting would lead to his removal,then I would be the first to organise it but this is different from The,Watson/Stepek era where boycotts did work as it got South Lanarkshire Council and others involved and forced the issue of moving back home.

Never forget why we only have half a stadium due to boardroom greed back then.
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Re: Taylor Away?

Postby Dr Slippy » Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:33 pm

Like I said previously I don’t have inside information so don’t know the specifics of any offers made for the club.
CM will only step aside if it’s in his interest to do so & I would assume that would require a significant financial offer to include the stadium.
I would be hard pressed to think of a situation where someone is going to make that offer unless they think they can personally make money out of the stadium. I really can’t see anyone doing a deal for the sole purpose of generating more cash for a football team with a youth academy & a few hundred supporters unless one of the diehards wins the lottery.
We’re caught between a rock & a hard place & are stuck with the status quo. My hope is that we can unexpectedly overachieve under a new manager & somehow get back to the top league.
In the meantime I will be taking my seat at NDP when the league starts and hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I just hope there are enough of us to provide the support the football team deserves
Dr Slippy
Seaside Leagues
Posts: 79
Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:32 pm


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